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Hemisphere West International
Currency Handling Experts Over 25 Years of Service
Coin Hoppers
When dispensing coins or tokens is required in your application, the F1 "Mini Hopper" or the HS2 "Universal" Coin Hoppers are perfect options that give you the flexibility for dispensing medium or large volumes of coin or tokens.

Model F1 Mini Coin Hopper
Mini Hopper F1 and F1Pro
Payout Velocity (more than 500 coins/minute)
Security of a continous supply, due to an exclusive patent applied to the Spinning disk and to the dejamming feature.
TWIN CONNECTION feature (single payout with coupled hoppers)
Auto-diagnostic with error indication
Available with 24 and 12 Vdc motor
Easy maintenance
Parallel and ccTalk with 34 instructions protocolccTalk address through onboard Dip-Switch
Dejamming Feature
Automatic stop when hopper is empty
Auto-unblocking system
Electric stirrer (the motor periodically performs a vibrating movement)
Two payout sensors
Anti cheat features
Suitable for coins and tokens from 19 to 29 mm diameter
Up to 500 Coin Capacity
Optional IPC-3 USB Quad Device Hub

Model HS2 Universal Coin Hopper